As I was pulling out of work yesterday in my white honda civic, I could not see in my blind spot and accidentally cut off a blue ford focus.  The driver was a male, in his twenties, with a little bit of facial hair and a mad face.  I look over apologetically, as I truly did not mean to cut him off. I was faced with the unpleasant view of his middle finger, followed by the sound of several swear words.  Keep in mind, I had a toddler sitting in the back seat of my car, strapped in his carseat, watching all this.  I just slowed down and let him pass me, in order to calm myself down and not react out of anger.  After several miles of driving, I had practically forgot about the whole situation, when out of no where a large styrofoam cup full of coke was whipped into my open window, breaking open on entry and spilling all over my face, steering wheel, and outside of my car.  At first, I was sort of in shock, and did not really absorb what had just happened.  Anger started to build inside me, and I felt like chasing the guy and swearing at him, giving him the middle finger, or even starting a fight.  But honestly, what good would that have done, teach my son how not to react in times of anger?  Instead I prayed for him, out loud, because even though my day was pretty bad, he was obviously having a worse one.  Jesus obviously needs to guide him, so I prayed for him to get help for his anger problem, and that he would find peace in Christ.